Health Care Is a Human Right

South Bay residents seek answers to health care crisis.
Liz Gonzalez with Voluntarios de la Comunidad. tells what the recently passed national health plan does and does not offer immigrants, and Mary Quintin. who works in a dental office, reveals the tricks insurance companies play to delay or avoid paying claims.

Sandy Perry offers details on what the current bill in the California Legislature would mean -- full health care coverage from birth onward for all residents of the state -- for no more than what is currently being paid. How is this possible? Proponents of single payer health care say it's by eliminating the for-profit insurance companies. Ed Asner makes a cameo appearance. VIEW SHOW

Santa Clara County Single Payer Coalition 408-977-1275 meets at the Low Income Self Help Center, 1875 West Alma Street, San Jose.
Health Care for All California meets in Santa Clara. Call 650-322-6909 for date and location.

For more information on the single payer campaign nationally and in California, go to
  • California One Care Great ads by celebrities and others
  • Physicians for a National Health Plan and PNHP-California

  • This edition of is sponsored by Health Care for All California - Silicon Valley, a community partner of San Jose Peace & Justice Center.